Ethereum first dapp - part 3

setting up a light wallet In order to have a setup close to what the DAPP would be, we will use (metamask) [] as a light wallet (there are other choices). Metamask allows you to connect to a custom node. We will then connect to our node, http://localhost:9012 If everthing is fine, metamasks should indicate it’s connected. Then, we can import the metamask account to our local node by simply specifying the datadir we have setup the node data....

August 12, 2016 · 1 min · Me

Ethereum first dapp - part 2

Frontend Prepare your folder for your dapp I will be using as it’s quite nice and I’ve been playing with React for a bit now. I will not go into the details of setting this up, it’s a totally different topic. If you are not familiar with it, it’s probably a waste of time for you to read. Example web3 component with React This boilerplate uses immutable, redux and redux-sagas in order to deal with data....

August 10, 2016 · 3 min · Me

Ethereum first dapp - part 1

Contracts Prepare your folder for your dapp mkdir dapp inside this folder, we’ll create one folder for truffle, one for geth. cd dapp mkdir truffle geth inside the geth folder, simply put the customGenesis block you can find in the ethereum-dev-environment blog post. We are going to use two Ethereum clients, one for tests and devs, testrpc and one for a more real interaction, geth. Let’s install truffle and testrpc...

August 8, 2016 · 4 min · Me

react setup with essential tools

Working with ES6-7 In order to work with ECMAScript 2015 and even with future implementations of ES, you can use Babel. Babel is a transpiler, it will convert your ES6-7 to plain ES5 javascript that most browsers (>ie9 most probably) will understand. To install babel npm install -g babel Then within your javascript project, you can create a .babelrc file with the following content: { "presets": ["es2015", "stage-0", "react"] } React and its surrounding libraries After starting using React, I realized it was vey good and was surrounded with libraries which makes it even better: redux, immutable, react-router…...

April 11, 2016 · 2 min · Me

javascript dev environment setup

NodeJS Go to the nodejs website and install nodejs latest stable version: NPM Go to the npm website and follow the instructions Install nodejs essential packages npm install -g eslint webpack webpack-dev-server babel-eslint serve Install sublime-text essential plugins With the help of the package manager, in sublime-text, install the following packages: babel, Sublime-Linter-Contrib-eslint, React ES6 snippets Make sure your linter is working In sublime text, open the console (view > show console) and check if there is any error message....

March 10, 2016 · 1 min · Me

golang dev environment setup

Golang environment install golang Within sublimetext, from the package manager, install gosublime, install gooracle. install go/tools: go get -u go get -u go get -u go get -u install gometalinter ( install interfacer ( install gosimple ( install gocov ( Here is the package settings I use for gosublime: { // you may set specific environment variables here // e.g "env": { "PATH": "$HOME/go/bin:$PATH" } // in values, $PATH and ${PATH} are replaced with // the corresponding environment(PATH) variable, if it exists....

February 20, 2016 · 2 min · Me

Sublime text setup with essential tools

Download and install the latest Sublime text Go to the sublime text website and download Sublime text 3 for your OS. Download and install the sublime text package manager Go the package control website, download and install it on your sublime text (follow the instructions on the website). Download and install sublime linter Go to the sublime linter website, download and install it on your sublime text.

February 10, 2016 · 1 min · Me