deploying rust in containers

The goal I am pretty familiar with containers and multi stage deployment have been my go to since quite a while now, for my golang codebases. Now that I have been picking up rust, deploying my first rust service in production did bring me back to my usual habits of containerization. We’ll be trying to optimize for speed of build and container size. The cargo.toml [...] [lib] name = "vs" path = "src/lib....

June 2, 2021 · 3 min · Me

testing mozilla iot gateway

Mozilla iot gateway Here is what I am going to setup. I am obviously not going to rewrite one more time the tutorial and docs from mozilla. I will simply describe the specific setup I used, and the little things I setup to make it work. Prerequisites Raspberry pi 3b Zigbee dongle, zwave dongle list of compatible hardware - I used Digi XStick (ZB mesh version) and Aeotec Z-Stick (Gen5) Zigbee Smart bulb (i used a philips hue), zigbee motion detector (I used philips motion sensor) Linux I used my favorite lean alpine linux, with the setup as I explained in this post minus the complexity brought up by the rpi0....

April 29, 2019 · 2 min · Me

installing docker on alpine linux

Prerequisites One raspberry pi zero W One sd card Enable all cgroups On you local linux, mount the partition containing alpine files. In the cmdline.txt, add the following: echo -ne " cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_enable=cpuset swapaccount=1" >> /run/media/youruser/xxx/cmdline.txt Docker needs all cgroups enabled, so this will do the trick On you rpi0 As simple as: sudo apk add docker sudo rc-update add docker boot sudo rc-service docker start To make sure your docker env doesn’t go in memory (512MB RAM won’t bring you far…), set it on mmcblk0p3 by editing /etc/docker/daemon....

April 16, 2019 · 1 min · Me