golang enterprise, part 1, using a modules monorepo

Leveraging go workspaces Since go 1.18, we have a nice features, which is go workspaces. One thing that this brings is allowing to work nicely with multiple modules within one single workspace. Guess what it brings you? having multiple modules in one single monorepo! Take a look at this example Benefits Have all the important reusable company modules at the same place. Bringin a better collaboration, and easier discovery. Mutualize the CI (which is pretty easy) Have good folder structure, allowing the grouping of modules in topics Drawback ( The only drawback I could see until now it the coverage during the CI....

April 30, 2022 · 2 min · Me

GIT basic usage

Git basic commands When you have a new repo git clone git@github.com:vincentserpoul/rbac.git https or git? the git protocal provides better security and easiness if you are using a correct key. If you use the git protocol, you can easily associate your private key in the ~/.ssh/config file with the following: Host github Hostname github.com User vincentserpoul IdentityFile ~/.ssh/myprivatekey IdentitiesOnly yes When you have a new modification ready for commit git status You will get an overview of what’s new If there is any new files (Untracked files), you will first need to add them:...

February 20, 2015 · 2 min · Me